4th Anniversary Presents
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**Fourth Anniversary Box
**The fourth anniversary box pets have now been confirmed and here is the artwork.

A demonic cross between a cookie and a muffin. You never know which side is dominant and the internal struggle may very well rip the muffie asunder. (Not Mountable)

This pet will come as the Ancient Cook class, a special caster class that gets the rare Cooking Magic spell line.

Cookie Buzzard
Next time you visit a fast food restaurant ask them for some Cookie fried buzzard wings, they are really nice. Unfortunately one of the cookie buzzards escaped into the wild and successfully mated. (Not Mountable)

This pet will come as the Ancient Scavenger class, with slightly better stats than a nobleman.

Cookie Cat
One day when Decius was experimenting with his Little Mr GM Cooking set his pet cat accidentally fell into a bowl of magical cookie dough and ended up getting baked. The curious result of this accident is the Cookie Cat. A mountable pet with exquisitely refined taste *yum yum*.

This pet will come as the Ancient Hunter class.