Skill | Name | Expl. |
ALCHEMY 1000 to 1200 | Giragan Vialbrewer 13, 53 Gigarans Alchemy Store | 1020 |
1250 to 1475 | Trance Bag-o-Tricks 94, 90 Bag-o-Tricks | 1230 |
BLACKSMITHING 1050 to 1200 | Nydelassi Hammerfist 12, 50 Riverden Forge | 1015 |
1250 to 1450 | Gararil Strongarm 90, 70 Strongarms Forge | No |
CARPENTRY 1000 to 1225 | Qerrajan the Carpenter 12, 50 Riverden Carpenters Inc | 1020 |
1280 to 1475 | Thrandil Spearcarver 74, 65 Carpenters End | 1410 |
CONSTRUCTION 1000 to 1200 | Broev Townmaker 13, 53 Riverden Architects | 1030 |
1040 to 1200 | Sevealdan the Rennovator 13, 53 Riverden Architects | 1030 |
1250 to 1400 | Afieldan the Architect 90, 70 Redrock Homes | 1450 |
1270 to 1270 | Eowynd Roommaker 90, 70 Redrock Homes | 1450 |
COOKING 1000 to 1225 | Afigonia the Cook 12, 52 Delicate Foods | 1025 |
1250 to 1450 | Lomiothien Baker 96, 91 Lost Culinary Delights | 1320 |
FURNISHING 1000 to 1225 | Lothemma Bedmaker 13, 53 Riverden Furnishings | 1030 |
1250 to 1250 | Elrong Tablemaker 90, 70 Redrock Homes | 1450 |
LEATHERWORKING 1050 to 1150 | Joekoth Hidetanner 12, 52 Tanners Retreat | 1025 |
1350 to 1450 | Elrulas Hidestitcher 74, 65 Waters End Leatherworker | 1420 |
STONEMASONRY 1020 to 1245 | Bawen Stonecarver 24, 27 Stonemasons Cave | 1025 |
1280 to 1470 | Feeny Littlechiseler 90, 70 Stoneworkers Cavern | 1360 |
TAILORING 1000 to 1200 | Thema Sticher 12, 52 Riverden Tailors | 1025 |
1250 to 1400 | Lite Stitcher 74, 65 Lites Tailor Shop | 1400 |
TINKERING 1000 to 1205 | Rhiali Gadgetmaker 16, 35 Gadgets and Stuff | 1025 |
1250 to 1430 | Geer Sprog 90, 70 Strongarms Forge | No |
Magic Line | Name | Expl. |
ACID MAGIC 1024 to 1179 | Tallscale the Shaman 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1210 to 1489 | Darkpeer the Shaman 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
AXES 1021 to 1231 | Purenia the Claw 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Stonehard the Knifewielder 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
BOWS 1021 to 1171 | Leina the Hunter 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Greenscale the Hunter 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
COLD MAGIC 1000 to 1249 | Magelius the Mage 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1259 to 1497 | Leanna the Wise 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
CROSSBOWS 1021 to 1171 | Leina the Hunter 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Greenscale the Hunter 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
DAGGERS 1021 to 1231 | Purenia the Claw 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Stonehard the Knifewielder 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
EARTH MAGIC 1000 to 1249 | Magelius the Mage 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1259 to 1497 | Leanna the Wise 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
ENERGY MAGIC 1000 to 1249 | Magelius the Mage 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1259 to 1497 | Leanna the Wise 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
EXOTIC WEAPONS 1021 to 1171 | Bashur the Blunt 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Hardskin the Basher 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
FIRE MAGIC 1000 to 1249 | Magelius the Mage 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1259 to 1497 | Leanna the Wise 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
FISTS 1021 to 1171 | Luknor the Boxer 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Whitesith the Boxer 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
HAND GUNS 1021 to 1171 | Helena the Marksmen 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Goldhoof the Brave 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
HEALING MAGIC 1000 to 1200 | Bigclaw the Healer 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1201 to 1485 | Razorclaw the Forgiving 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
HEALTH STEALING 1009 to 1198 | Grimenia the Healththief 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1261 to 1450 | Letty the Soulstealer 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
HEAVY MUNITIONS 1021 to 1171 | Helena the Marksmen 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Goldhoof the Brave 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
HELL MAGIC 1016 to 1226 | Lorenius the Hellsage 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1261 to 1471 | Derick the Hellsage 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
INSCRIPTION 1038 to 1221 | Abeligord Wizzbanger 12, 57 Scribes Hut | 1010 |
1282 to 1465 | Threwiel Wallopmaker 96, 91 Scribes Hut | 1300 |
INVOCATION 1003 to 1223 | Lelalia the Wise 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1250 to 1497 | Woodrott the Invocator 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
LIFE MAGIC 1000 to 1200 | Bigclaw the Healer 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1201 to 1485 | Razorclaw the Forgiving 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
LUMINARY MAGIC 1016 to 1226 | Miranda of the Light 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1261 to 1471 | Loren Lightseeker 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
MACES 1021 to 1171 | Bashur the Blunt 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Hardskin the Basher 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
MYSTICAL MAGIC 1027 to 1237 | Salar the Mystic 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1267 to 1477 | Lurok the Mystic 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
NATURE MAGIC 1001 to 1451 | Laurelin Thornbird 12, 52 Grove of Nature | No |
POLE WEAPONS 1021 to 1231 | Purenia the Claw 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Stonehard the Knifewielder 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
PRESERVATION MAGIC 1000 to 1200 | Bigclaw the Healer 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1009 to 1485 | Hermione 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
PROTECTION 1000 to 1222 | Roger the Noble 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1222 to 1481 | Brownscale the Protector 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
RESTORATION MAGIC 1000 to 1200 | Bigclaw the Healer 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1201 to 1485 | Razorclaw the Forgiving 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
SHIELDS 1021 to 1171 | Ugnok the Deadly 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Inis the Brave 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
SIEGE MAGIC 1000 to 1400 | Segria the Sieger 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
SIEGE WEAPONS 1000 to 1400 | Segria the Sieger 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
SPIRIT MAGIC 1024 to 1179 | Tallscale the Shaman 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1210 to 1489 | Darkpeer the Shaman 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
STAVES 1021 to 1171 | Bashur the Blunt 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Hardskin the Basher 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
SWORDS 1021 to 1231 | Purenia the Claw 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Stonehard the Knifewielder 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
THROWN WEAPONS 1021 to 1231 | Elnee Spearmistress 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1261 to 1471 | Heni Spearthrower 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
TWO-HANDED AXES 1021 to 1231 | Purenia the Claw 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Stonehard the Knifewielder 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
TWO-HANDED GUNS 1021 to 1171 | Helena the Marksmen 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Goldhoof the Brave 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
TWO-HANDED MACES 1021 to 1171 | Bashur the Blunt 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Hardskin the Basher 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
TWO-HANDED SHIELDS 1021 to 1171 | Ugnok the Deadly 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Inis the Brave 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
TWO-HANDED STAVES 1021 to 1171 | Bashur the Blunt 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Hardskin the Basher 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
TWO-HANDED SWORDS 1021 to 1231 | Purenia the Claw 13, 54 Riverden Arena | 1005 |
1201 to 1471 | Stonehard the Knifewielder 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |
WARDING 1001 to 1451 | Laurelin Thornbird 12, 52 Grove of Nature | No |
WATER MAGIC 1000 to 1249 | Magelius the Mage 13, 54 Tower of Magic | 1015 |
1259 to 1497 | Leanna the Wise 96, 91 Sanctum of Heros | 1305 |