Manage Land
The Manage Land screen can be used to manage any land you might own, it defaults to displaying the current area when it loads. So you really need to be in the same realm as your owned tiles, you can use the North, South, East and West buttons to change the viewed area within the realm.

The Manage Land screen allows you to do a lot of different advanced features, to use these features select a mode of operation and then click on the tile you own on the map.

Using this mode you can change the name of the tile, enter a description for the tile and change a few other options.

Using this mode you can create building permits and relocation permits, these can be given to other players or used by you to allow you to build buildings on this tile or relocate exists buildings here.

Using this mode you can delete the tile, this for obvious reasons does not delete the tile but restores it to its defaults.

Useful Links
Manage Land guide