The Ideas screen is a screen that players can use to submit ideas for inclusion in the game, the game is constantly being changed and tweaked and we take a lot of player feedback on many aspects of the game and usually end up adding one or two player suggested features a day.

You can look at the existing ideas or submit your own.

Players will often comment on your ideas and a member of staff will also comment on it, or indicate its status in the system.

A member of staff has read the idea and has either commented on it, and is awaiting your reply or has decided to leave the idea in the system and implement it at a later date.

The idea was added to the game.

Not Implementing
For whatever reason the idea has not been implemented and will most likely not be implemented.

Please try not to post the same idea multiple times, it is a little annoying to reply to exactly the same idea over and over again and duplicate ideas may be deleted if nothing new is added to them from the previous idea.