The Groups screen can be used to create a new group, manage an existing group or search for a group to join (via the Find Group button at the bottom of the screen).

A Group is a collection of players that wish to fight together or have closer ties, with the group system you can have multiple players participating in a fight with a monster and both gain experience from killing it.

If you have a group and enable the Groups Extrabar you can also use this to teleport to your group members so that you are never too far away from them.

The Groups screen has the following functions:

Disbands the group, all members are removed including you/leader.

Edit Members
Allows you to edit the members, to remove a specific member or reject a members application to join your group, you can also send messages to group members via this screen.

Allows you to change the symbol used on the Find Group screen to the left of your group name, an eye catching symbol might help your group get recognised.