Add Job
The Add Job screen allows you to create a "Job". A job is basically a way for you to get another player to make/find a specific item for you without you having to be online at the time or goto the same tile as them.

It is a very simple system, goto this screen it will present you with a list of all of the Crafting skills when you pick a skill it then shows you a list of all the items that can be made with that skill.

Clicking on an Item then allows you to enter several key details such as how many of this item you want, what level you want the item to be and how much you are willing to pay for the job.

Please note some items can not be stacked so if you make a job for multiple quantities of an item and it can not be stacked the job will not be completed.

Clicking the Creat Job button after entering all of the required details will then create your job and list it in the system, allowing anyone meeting your jobs requirements to complete it.